Massive input lag, stuttering and fps drops in csgo


Dec 14, 2016
I built this pc and installed windows not more than 3 days ago and i'm getting fps anywhere from 30-80 at med-low settings in CS:GO in an online deathmatch game as well as massive input lag on keystrokes and mouse movements, along with massive stuttering atleast 3 times in 5 seconds it'll drop down to below 40 fps and lag like crazy.

GPU usage in game is also quite low, only sitting at 12-26% for most of the time, never going any higher than 26 though.

CPU usage in game stays right up at 100 pretty much all the time


CPU: Pentium G4400 - with stock cooler
Motherboard: MSI H110M Gaming
RAM: Team Elite Plus 2400mhz 8GB
CSGO and practically all Source-based games are very CPU bounded (and may I say not good enough optimized), you need a 4 core CPU if you want a decent stable FPS on CSGO. An i5 with integrated graphics will give you a constant 150fps on CSGO, with a video card (could be a gtx 750 Ti or a GTX 1060) you'll get 300 constant. CSGO is so CPU bounded that the GPU makes little difference for its stability.

i've seen this cpu run the game at great fps before though, i think there is a problem with the way mine is working

nothing going on in the background, no.


alrighty well i just stayed up till 4 am to finish all this and the fps in game is still horrible and there are really bad stutters constantly still

CPU stays at 100% utilization pretty much all of the time, while the GPU goes only from 12%-26% - This was on de_nuke and settings at medium to low.

Tested both multiple times, and nothing.