Massive Internet Speed Loss and there is no reasoning behind it

I luv meems

May 3, 2017
I'm using an ADSL internet connection, which supports only up to 16mb download and 0.80mb upload speed. Now the issue is, this connection is being used by a family of 5, which means there is like 5+ devices are connected to internet already, and lately I've been experiencing massive internet speed losses, 2 weeks ago I was getting at least 14 mb download and 0.75 upload speed. I was ok with it, at least bearable bandwith sharing and playable games. But now, my internet had a massive drop for literally no reason, and I'm barely getting 6mb download speed and 0.25mb upload speed. This is hurting, I feel like either my ISP is * me or my router is limiting the bandwith without any reason, any heads out?
The thing is, I'm not getting the downstream and upstream rate I'm supposed to get at first place. When I check DSL status in my router interface, it shos 7533 kbps downstream and 325 upstream rate. Currently I've closed Wi-Fi and turn off every other LAN users in the house except me but its not helping at all.
Already, if you are the only one on the system, and already reset the modem/router and still getting low bit rate on the WAN port, then nothing to do but call ISP. Does modem tell you anything about error rates? some is normal. Are u using landline? if so, appropriate filter in the right places? moved your landline headsets recently?

What is telling you these performance numbers?
What did your ISP say when you called them about this?
I called them, told them to reset my DSL Speed, they did, it increased by a small margin up to 8mb, but it just changes whenever it wants and they were not able to increase it up to 16mb. I'm suffering