3 months ago my router (Linksys WR54GL) broke and i had to replace it... I replaced it with Tenda NH326 it was good from the beggining but now im just trying not to break it in pieces.
The problem is when im alone connected to the Wi-Fi i have no problems playing league of legends or any other game, i stay constantly on 50-60ping. But when my mom connects to her pc i cant even game i have constantly 500ping, there is a option in the router to disable that network from using internet from router, i do that and my ping is back to 50, i reconnect her my ping is back to 500. The firmware is up to date and i dont know what to do besides buying a new one please navigate my through this problem its really really annoying
The problem is when im alone connected to the Wi-Fi i have no problems playing league of legends or any other game, i stay constantly on 50-60ping. But when my mom connects to her pc i cant even game i have constantly 500ping, there is a option in the router to disable that network from using internet from router, i do that and my ping is back to 50, i reconnect her my ping is back to 500. The firmware is up to date and i dont know what to do besides buying a new one please navigate my through this problem its really really annoying