Maybe I should talk a little about FSB and memory speed. They are actually not directly related. FSB is a property of your processor. We always hear FSB expressed as 533FSB, 800FSB or 1066FSB. But these are effective frequencies. Since most motherboards are quad pumped bus (QPB = x4), the core frequency is 133, 200, and 266 respectfully. The processor frequency is a product of this core frequency and a multiplier:
processor speed = (core FSB) x multiplier
For a P4 3.6GHz prescott processor you usually see it rated at 800FSB, with a multiplier of 18 (default for p4). For a quad pumped bus this is a core frequency of 200MHz. Its no surprise that 200MHz x 18 = 3.6 GHz.
Your memory speed is determined by the motherboard chipset and memory modules you use. The FSB connects to the MEMORY BUS through the MCH (memory controller hub). The FSB speed is usually much higher than the MEMORY BUS speed. Because of this, the MEMORY BUS often has two channels (dual-channel) allowing for twice the bandwidth.
For DDR 533, the bandwidth for a single channel is:
(533MHz) x (64bit data bus) / 8 (bits/byte) = 4264MB/s
DUAL CHANNEL: 4264MB/s x 2 = 8528MB/s
You want to match this bandwidth with your FSB for best performance:
8528MB/s = FSB x (4 quad pumped bus) x [(64bit data bus)/(8 bits/byte)]
So your FSB for max performance would be about 266MHz.
Hopefully this helps your understanding a bit. Or maybe you are more confused!
In anycase, keep in mind these are theoretical maximums (for zero latency). The real world values are going to be lower because of the latencies.
ok, so that might explain the FSB.
Finally, your question about 667MHz DDR2. Actually, I would recommend sticking with 533MHz for now. Because most 533MHz DDR2 modules can be pushed up to 667MHz anyway. AND many retailers buy 533 DDR2 memory chips and sell them as DDR2 667MHz chips. Something to think about. If you want faster memory just buy a 533MHz module with better latency. If latency does not matter just stick with 533MHz DDR2 module for now.
For example OCZ 3700 GOLD uses DDR333 chips pushed up to DDR466
If you read the chip number: K4H280838?-TCB3. It is a DDR 333 chip pushed up to DDR466.