Matte screen ----what cleaner to use ?

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Jun 25, 2013
What cleaning products are best for a matte screen laptop ?

Do matte screens need a special cleaner, or can the same cleaner used for glossy screens be as effective ?
They have special LCD cleaners out there, but I tend to just use water. Don't apply the water directly to the screen, though. Wet a cleaning cloth and be gentle. I like using those cloths that they use to clean the cell phone screens.
Just a very very slightly damp cloth, no cleaning products (especially polish). Buff with a dry cloth afterwards to get rid of marks / patterns. There may well be specialist cleaning products, but personally I've never found a need.
They have special LCD cleaners out there, but I tend to just use water. Don't apply the water directly to the screen, though. Wet a cleaning cloth and be gentle. I like using those cloths that they use to clean the cell phone screens.
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