U utsukira Reputable Jun 9, 2015 3 0 4,510 Jun 9, 2015 #1 so i got an i5-4670k and it said that the max # of memory channels is only 2. does it mean i can only use 2 slots of memory? or memory channels means other thing? i5-4670k
so i got an i5-4670k and it said that the max # of memory channels is only 2. does it mean i can only use 2 slots of memory? or memory channels means other thing? i5-4670k
S k y w a l k e r Reputable Jun 9, 2015 16 0 4,510 Jun 9, 2015 #2 yes ur processor support 2 slot or two channels memory Upvote 0 Downvote
Jon-Doe Reputable Jun 6, 2015 139 0 4,710 Jun 9, 2015 #3 You can use every slot if you really want to do so but it will be more taxing on your processor so you should only use two sticks of RAM. Upvote 0 Downvote
You can use every slot if you really want to do so but it will be more taxing on your processor so you should only use two sticks of RAM.