Max safe overclock for EVGA GTX 1060 6gb?


Jan 16, 2017
I would like to ask for the max overclock for the EVGA GTX 1060 6gb. I'm currently overclocked

+30 voltage

116% power

+110 mhz core clock

+600 mhz memory clock

If you must ask a question that could possible more accurately answer my question, ask away!


You can crank power and voltage all the way with no risk of damage (unlike CPU). What are your in game frequencies? You should be anywhere from 2ghz - 2.1ghz.
As long as you're 100% stable and not crashing that is a very good OC, could you get a little more? Maybe. There is a point where you can OC more but your FPS/Scores don't go up they actually go down a little so while it's nice to have higher observed clocks if performance is going down or you are even slightly unstable it's not worth it.

Do you think you could give me a safe voltage and then I can work with the rest?

I just got the same 1060 as you, is that the best oc you could get or did you get something better out of the card? Just wondering how much i could push it.

You can push it even further. I have an Alienware 15 R3 laptop and was pushing it with +250 MHz core clock (and was even going +300 MHz), and it never got above 63 degrees. Which is odd, because I was always told that laptop's couldn't handle overclocking due to heat. Guess people were wrong.

This is a very powerful card that can handle overclocking extremely well.

That's great! Did you add any voltage to it by any chance? I don't feel too confident about toying with it.
Thanks for the feedback.


Yeah, I initially added +15 voltage, but have heard all the talk about how high voltage is what really damages the GPU, so I tuned it down to +10.

However, ANY voltage increase isn't needed for improvement in gaming performance, thought it definitely boosts it.


Yeah i think there's a limit to how much you can increase memory and core clock speeds before you need to add voltage, so i might just stick to what's possible without changing the voltage.

I have the same card, with a fresh install and latest drivers I use:
stock voltage
120% power
+120 core (always use 12mhz increments, that's how this card is timed)
+660 memory

I can't stress the 12mhz increments in any overclock for this card, at 110 I had problems but at 120 it ran so much smoother and stable. Also getting creative placing 120mm fans in your case blowing across it and feeding it from the vent in the side of the case really helps. The back of these cards have hotspots reaching 120f on the other side of it, so blowing air across it helps with temps.

I'm sorry to hi-jack this thread but I really need help here, is it safe to just apply your settings onto my card? I'm using the exact same card, because I don't know much about GPU overclocking, so please, your answer will be much helpful.

I have the same card and the best I could get rock solid stable pushing it to the limit is:
+700 memory
+100 clock
stock voltage
+120 power limit

All the performance comes from the memory overclock, it's 40fps out of the box for that alone. I tried higher clocks and even +120 gives random crashes in World of Warcraft. Also I did benchmarks and it's maxed out, going higher didn't give any gains. The fan curve is huge for these, I use 30% at 35c, then jump it to 40% all the way to 56c and take it in a diagonal up to 50% at 70c which covers any situation at 1440 mode pushing it to the limits. The other great thing that worked is mount a Thermaltake fan in the side case vent pointed right at the card so it's feeds outside air directly on to it. I mounted another one in the 3.5 inch empty bays with some foam to hold it and it's blowing across the whole card on both sides because the blank side of the card will hit 120f in certain spots, so a breeze helps there. Thermaltake comes with a 4 pin molex adapter and a low speed switch for 900rpm operation so it's super quiet and you don't need to mess with a fan curve for those.

To really see this card shine, go with MFAA supported games and put it to 2x MSAA and let MFAA effectively double it, omg everything looks great with that combo and with a framerate cap at 90 it's as good as a single card can provide. At 1440 mode the bad news is it has a lot more pixels to push, but the good news is it takes much less to make it gorgeous since it's got more pixels packed in the same real estate.

Thank you for such informative reply, truly appreciate!