Maximus VIII Hero with H110i GTX -- Should I plug into cpu fan header or pump header?


Sep 30, 2015
With the above configuration, I have failed POST by attaching it originally to the pump header, but now am using the normal cpu fan header.

Should I change it back ? And if so, do I disable the error in BIOS?

Also wondering what the sata cable from the H110i is used for, as the manual does't tell me to plug it in, but I did it anyway.

Thanks in advance!!

okay, so I just installed by h100i gtx in to the same motherboard that we share.

I don't know how different they are but this is what I did.

I plugged the 3 pin from the pump into the mobo right next to where it says water pump.
The 2 fans from the radiator, I plugged next to it.

there was another wire that came attached. It was like an extension fan or something. I left it unplugged.
The usb cable is attached in the pump and to the motherboard.