MB Ethernet Port & PCI-E Not Functioning

Jun 13, 2018
Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P

1.) No network adapters are being recognized in Device Manager.
- Motherboard Ethernet port is no longer being detected by computer.
- PCI-E slots are no longer working. I had a Wifi card connected, which is now also not being recognized by Device Manager. I bought an new PCI-E ethernet adapter and this is not being recognized either.

2.) Computer will power up IMMEDIATELY after shut down. Once the lights turn off, the computer automatically powers back on. I have confirmed this is not due a software issue in Windows. Seems like a possible short.

3.) Computer functions normally except for what is mentioned above. The graphics card in the PCI 2.0 Express is still recognized by computer.

All of the above symptoms began to appear after a thunderstorm in which lightning struck relatively close to my house. I have an ethernet cord running from the top floor, outside the window down to the first floor, and into the first floor window where the router is.

I believe this may be the cause of issues above. I'm sure it is possible the lightning causes a spike in the ethernet cord which in turn friend some components on the motherboard.

Just wanting to get an opinion before I go buy a new motherboard. I will supply more information if it is needed. Thanks for the help!
i had the reboot issue with my older asus mb a few times. turn off the power supply and drain the mb. then clear the cmos. that should reset the efi bios. for the missing hardware go to amd web page and download the 900 chipset drivers and reinstall them.

Thanks for the reply. I checked and LAN has been enabled.
Tried both methods mentioned above and had no luck. I bought a replacement MoBo of the same model and now everything works perfectly! Since the old and new MoBo shared the same chipset drivers, I think it is safe to assume the hardware was the issue here.