MB has 5 sata sockets only 3 are detected :~(


Apr 30, 2013
M3N78-VM Rev X.0x BIOS: American Megatrends Inc. 1801 09/10/2010
I am running windows 8 pro. I have 2 sata hd on sata1&2, 2 sata cd/dvdrw on sata3&4 all were functioning and sata5 (not detected until my wife got on my computer. Now i only have just have sata1,2,3 functioning and a esata (not detected) sata4&5 are not listed in the the Bios. does any one know how i can get them back. any help will be gratefully appreciated.

Thank you

You will find on the board there are three sata connectors that are red, and another two that are black in color.
So it is likely that you have two Sata controller chips of different brands.
The first will be found in the bios, where you can set the mode or type of interface settings.
Raid,Ide Ahci. or normal sata mode for the first three drives connected to the red color sata ports of the board.
You should also find the second Sata controller chip also in the bios some where.
If you you are not using raid make sure both Sata chip sets are set to Sata only and not Raid mode.
It is more likely one of the sata ports or two of them deal with what we call a raid array of drives.
Where to put it simply if you put three hard drives together it will combine all three into one large drive when seen in windows.
There will also be a sub menu where you can select the mode of each drive from normal Sata mode to selecting more than one drive to act in raid mode.
Eg: Sata device 1 :Mode Sata or Raid.

I was unable to locate a settings menu for a second controller in the bios. Is there a way to modify the setting from the command line? Is there a way to modify the sata settings from within window 8 registry?