MB sometimes red light - fans just spin a bit, no boot


Dec 11, 2017
Hello, I have an issue that looks to be caused by PC home trolls or something.
I am IT guy and built hundreds of PCs in my life. (Not polishing my ego, saying that so we can skip "did you try to restart it" answers)

PC sometimes just shut down in the middle.
Then, when trying turn it on, fans just spin a little and nothing else is happening, no light.
Suspected PSU, so replaced, but situation is pretty much same.

Funny thing is when I replace PSU, it is starting. Sometimes it gives me red DRAM led, but after restart its normally booting.
When it shuts down again, I actually HAVE TO reconnect all the power cables
Event viewer does not say anything interesting. Tried stress tests and benchmarks. No issues.

What I tried:
1) replaced PSU
2) removed all RAM and leave only one (and then replaced the remaining with other RAM module)
3) replaced thermal paste on CPU, cooler sits tight.
4) removed graphic card
5) checked all the wires, even removed all case related cables and booted PC with screwdriver
6) actually removed all "unnecessary" components, so on the end there was just one ram, MB and CPU

When it was down after another shutdown, I tried to unplug power cord, remove CMOS battery, did not work. Only after I replaced PSU (for the original one) it booted up again. How? What? Makes no sense. There was no power even before. Maybe static electricity?

I suspect MB is dying, but HOW is it possible, that it boots up sometimes? Same for CPU.

So now it really seems like some home troll is... trolling me.

UPDATE: New situation appeared. Computer booted with integrated graphic, I logged in after few mins of afk screen went black, but no red light, no restart.... just no video signal.

Any idea? Thank you guys!

Since nobody tried to answer... I made the theory. It looks like short circuit. Disassembled every single part of the PC, cleaned from all the dust and put it back. It lives for now. Even survived 5hr session of Elite Dangerous in VR. Soooo...
Since nobody tried to answer... I made the theory. It looks like short circuit. Disassembled every single part of the PC, cleaned from all the dust and put it back. It lives for now. Even survived 5hr session of Elite Dangerous in VR. Soooo...