McAfee Code 0 on new laptop

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Dec 6, 2015
Yesterday (Saturday) I bought a new Dell Inspiron 5000 laptop from my local Currys. I get it home, and one of the first things I want to install is McAfee Internet Security. I am using this over Norton which I have used for many years because I got it free with a product I bought from Argos a while ago, and it still has 10 months worth of subscription left on it. However, when I came to install it yesterday I couldn't. Instead, I got Error 0, and the installer closed telling me to get in touch with McAfee Support. I tried again today after registering for the free trial that came with my laptop, but I have still got the same issue! Has anyone else had this issue and know how to sort it?
I'd rather have something protecting me then knowing That I have a service the people have to pay for. do whatever you want to fix this but once the 10 months is up download malwarebytes.
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