News Mechanical Desktop Power Button Lets You Turns Your PC On And Off

Actually, the power button of the PC can be programmed, to correctly shut down the system, from Power Options.
Actually, the power button of the PC can be programmed, to correctly shut down the system, from Power Options.
You are missing the point, these are so you don't have to bend under your desk or have to reach behind your monitor or whatever to turn off your PC, with this you just have the cables routed somewhere you can easily reach them.
These have been around for a while now.
Neat but sloppy implementation.

Should have made it a passthrough block with prongs/pins to put the key into. That way case harnesses could remain fully useable without hacking it up.
humanity -15 points. first it was peanut butter and jelly in the same jar, then its touchless slip on shoes, now this. proof we are getting lazy. besides they have been selling power switches like this for years. i bought 2 from performance pcs years ago.
I also touch it to turn it off, and that every day.
I have made a ghetto-mod from a haf922 front panel I found at a flea market that gives me usb ports, the power reset buttons, and the indicator lights right next to me.
Yes, I have done simular, it more fun to improvize than buy, l.
Even fancier make a bat file ...
shutdown /s /t 1 for shutdown

Then make a shortcut to it.
Right click the shortcut and goto the Shortcut tab
Enter the desired shortcut key combination in the Shortcut key box.

You can also make one for reboot
shutdown /r /t 1

In addition you can use this can be configured for opening any program you want.
For me I use
Control+Shift+C is Calculator
Control+Shift+W is Word
Control+Shift+E is Excel

Steam and open on logon so I never made a key shortcut for them.

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Seriously ? Have we gotten so fat that we can't reach the on off button anymore. This has got to be the dumbest item of the year. And tomshardware covers it... wtf
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You are telling me I can turn on/off my PC with a MECHANICAL button now? 😵

Invention of the century, if not the lifetime!

Hello, TheOtherOne,

I had similar thoughts to you, when I read this article. Myself, the expression that came into my mind was "Back to the Future" (sarcasm intended).

I like the GIF you included with your post - I don't use GIFs myself, as I don't really know how to use them; but I think the one you used here is VERY fitting!

Cheers, Peter