Mechanical or Hybrid HDD?


May 30, 2013
I will be getting a 120GB SSD, for a PC build (Assuming I get all the parts for Christmas), which will be only be used to run Win10 off of.

I also will be pulling out a 150GB HD from my old PC and using it for files/games, until such time I can get another mechanical/hybrid drive. I do realize 150GB is not that much space by today's standard, but it is a stop gap measure, as I wanted to keep my PC build under $800.

Are there any compelling reasons for me to go with a hybrid HDD or should I stick with a mechanical HDD?
I have a 5900RPM 1GB Seagate SHDD for my Steam games only because it was on extreme sale on Black Friday several years ago. I also have an old 7200RPM 500GB HHD for non-Steam games. I notice zero difference in game load times between the drives in performance. The only thing that SHDD hybrid drives can theoretically do better than HDDs is keep frequently used programs in the flash memory for quick startup. That means using it as an OS drive. I do not see the benefit of the increased dollar/GB ratio for an SHDD over an HDD.

I recommend sticking with a standard 7200 RPM HD.