I know its a common post now - decent pc under dis much n dat much...But I really need help cause em a noob in matter of pc n all........ so yeah lyk I was saying I want to buy a mid-high gaming cpu budget is 30k ....please help guys
So, that is around $500 if Google is correct (I assumed it was in Rupees). Do you want a CPU or a whole system? Because $500 for a CPU is too much, and $500 for a gaming PC is a bit low.
Expect a 15-20% hike here. A R7 260X costs Rs.11.5k which is about $185.
That PSU costs Rs.9.5k which is about $160!
Budget be like $350 to compensate.
I was thinking to go with following specs..
Processor-i 5 Intel Core i5 3550 4 3.3 GHz LGA1155 - 13.5k
motherboard - Intel DH61WW Micro ATX Intel H61 LGA1155 with inbuilt 2 gb gfx -5.7 k
Storage-2gb wd -5.6k
Ram-kingstone hyperx 4gb (can upgrade it later) -2.7k
Lg optical dvd drive 900 INR
Cabinate n psu will buy offline ...
So wat ubguys think abt this specs?
why are u getting the 3rd gen i5 when the 4th gen i5 is already getting older.........get a gigabyte or asus mobo dont buy intel boards for gaming pc......storage you mean 2tb.........buy a pair of 2x4 gb at a time dont buy the ram like that ........dont buy the psu wich u get free with the cabinet if u buy like that u can have a decent pc but not a gaming pc.........and until u buy the gpu u cannot play games ....and for a gaming pc the gpu should be the most expencive part of your system.....