Medal of Honor alied assault widescrean resolution

Brian Jhonson

Feb 6, 2014
ok so i just intaled alied assault and it doesnt suport widescrean so i go to find some cfg file to mod it and i cant find the dam thing so that means i cant play the game on standard resolution because it so fucking anoying.
somebody help of im gona break my monitor
Go in your main folder should be something like this:
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\MOHAA\Main

You have to fine the unnamedsoldier config.

open that with wordpad. At the bottom add this to the config.

seta r_customheight xxxx
seta r_customwidth xxxx
seta r_mode -1

xxxx would equal the size you want the game to run. My wide screen resolution is 1680x1050 so my config looks like this:

seta r_customheight 1680
seta r_customwidth 1050
seta r_mode -1

Close it after you add the above lines and save it. Start the game up and it should fit your screen now.
Go in your main folder should be something like this:
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\MOHAA\Main

You have to fine the unnamedsoldier config.

open that with wordpad. At the bottom add this to the config.

seta r_customheight xxxx
seta r_customwidth xxxx
seta r_mode -1

xxxx would equal the size you want the game to run. My wide screen resolution is 1680x1050 so my config looks like this:

seta r_customheight 1680
seta r_customwidth 1050
seta r_mode -1

Close it after you add the above lines and save it. Start the game up and it should fit your screen now.
you can also open the console in game with the ~ key (² key for azerty keyboards)
and fill in the same lines with a slash in front.
you might have to put the numbers between " " though.

I just ripped that explenation of the internet