MediaSmart EX-470 Restore


Mar 30, 2010
For 2-3 years I haven't been able to get the mediasmart connector software to work with my ex-470. I have tried installing it on 3 different machines to no avail, it's been forever since I've even tried so I don't even recall what it says the problem is. Anyhow, the server kept performing fine as a mediaserver so I just went on about my business and didn't worry about it. Over the past month or so I have noticed slower performance, more buffering, an occasional video just altogether won't play. I fear a drive is going out, but without the connector software I can't really get in there to see what is going on. (Found no hints when I did a remote log in). So what I'm now considering is doing a restore. Does that sound like the next logical step? Obviously the server is getting older and just needs to be replaced, but I'd like to keep it limping along until I get some more disposable income. I already have the contents backed up. Opinions or suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

No, I just got the name wrong. I did a remote connection, but couldn't see any problems. When my connector was working I had a S.M.A.R.T. add on that monitored the hard drives. Without that I'm not sure how to identify a problem with the drives.
the same way you do in just about all windows versions.
Rt click the drive then select properties. Go to the tools tab and click the 'Check Now' button in the Error-checking section. Then check off both of the option boxes and click Start. You will need to restart the server to check the system drive but the other drive you can check from within windows.
You may have to check the log file to see the results of the error check

After error checking is completed without errors you can defrag the drives.