Info Mega info thread

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Purpose of Arrows - Up/Down Arrows

In every question post, there are Up and down arrows next to a post that look like this:


In the past, all voting did was give a general indication of what should be the right answer, as voted on by community. They were just a hint.

Now in the current system, they have power

Any post with more than 5 upvotes to its name will automatically become the Best answer and be locked after 30 days.

so the community as a whole can help each other get Best Answers.

Reminder: If you started the thread and want to vote on who wins, just click the red trophy as you can award it right now.
Purpose of arrows on Trophy Charts
Have you ever wandered into the Trophy page? -

have you ever clicked on one of them and then chosen the most answers tab?


Have you ever wondered what the up/down arrows mean? I know I have and its taken me a few months to figure it out

  • If you above the position you were previous month, it shows a negative figure, and a down arrow[/COLOR]
  • if you stay same position, it shows +0 and an arrow to the right[/COLOR]
  • if you below your position of previous month it shows a positive figure. and an up arrow[/COLOR]
  • People with no arrows/numbers were not on charts previous month[/COLOR]

The figure itself showing the difference between months.

it isn't much but its one less mystery solved. It appears the forums think your perfect position was what you had last month and you should work to always be in same place, as then its happy and shows no difference.

This only explains charts on nodes, I can't tell you what values next to names on Billboard mean -

maybe if I could track every users position I could tell you.
Titles - Points Breakdown

Reputation Titlepoints ReqReputation Titlepoints Req

Points required = Trophy points.

These are achieved by earning Trophies, there are Trophies for
  • Number of messages created
  • Number of Best answers/solutions attained
  • Length of Membership
  • Best answers achieved in individual sub forums
  • and many more
they can all be found here -
What do the numbers under people's names mean?

On every post on these forums, there will show this card for each user.

Each user will have a title based on the amount of Trophy points they currently have,see here for details - link

The person icon represents the join date of the user

The next column is number of posts made on the forum since joining

The next column is number of likes awarded to the user by other members

The trophy icon represents the total number of Trophy points earned so far

see link for details

The message bubble with a exclamation point in it is the total number of solved answers the user has

Everything under this line are icons representing Trophies previously earned
What Are Trophy Points?
Trophy points are the final form, every Trophy earned adds to your total.
Every Trophy awards Trophy Points. The points awarded depends on the lvl of the Trophy you earned,
The higher the level, the more points you get for earning it

How Do I earn Trophy Points?
By answering questions and winning Best Answers (Solving questions) - you ean them by participating and helping people with their problems.
Some trophies based on your Input - Discourse
Some trophies based on your Answers being marked as right - Best Answers
And some are based on what area that Best Answer was in, so you can get 2 rewards for same Best Answer - CPU Trophy , for example.

There are many more types of Trophies - see here

So getting Best Answers and helping others is best way to go far

How do I see what my score is now?
2 ways, trophy points show under your name in posts as the 3rd totals down
1st row is your message total
2nd row is total number of Likes earned
3rd row is Trophy points
4th row is Best Answers

2nd way to see Trophy point total is on your profile screen, it shows as last total at top under Points

what they are is obvious, how to set one less so

on top line of post you will see 3 buttons, 1st is share, 2nd is bookmark and 3rd is the post number

clicking it sets bookmark but you can also add extra info if you like

they are all stored in Your Account/bookmarks]

what is a cover?

If you click on my avatar, the desert scene is a cover. It also shows if you go to my Profile page

Now to set a Cover, go to your Profile page
Under the line that shows your last activity, there are two red buttons
1 is Find and the other is Cover
If you click cover you get

modify cover image shows


which are self explanatory

Style Cover - Lets you choose from a colour wheel
Choose cover Preset - This is a feature that will be enabled at a later time
Delete Cover - Self explanatory

It lets you make your profile feel more at home and spices up your avatar in posts.
How to link Imgur galleries

In the previous software there was no way to link an imgur gallery, you had to individually link every image. That has changed, in the new software you have 3 choices

  • use Insert link button
  • use Insert media button
  • Copy/paste direct into body of text
Now the gallery won't show up in the preview but will work once you post thread

to navigate through images, just click the arrows on both edges of image

Illogically, you cannot use the Insert image button as it is looking for a specific media type, its not smart enough to realise its a gallery and will give you an error.
How to search an individual sub forum for unanswered questions with no replies

On any sub forum, click the filters header


Under answer, set it to Unresolved questions

Under reply status, set it to Only threads with no replies

So I guess I don't need the Threads with no replies choice anymore.

Only downside is you can't save the filters, so you might get sick of doing it every time :)

Note: if you also search Question Status: Only question threads you will also avoid all the new info posts scattered around forum
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