Meltdown, Spectre Patch Is Making Some Old AMD PCs Unbootable

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This is highly suspect.
Microsoft is blaming AMD for not providing them with the proper documentation?
Since most of the reports I have seen narrow the problem CPUs to older ones, I find it hard to believe that Microsoft didn't have detailed documentation of those CPU's years ago.
And the flaw(s) were discovered months ago. They just didn't go public until a few days ago.
Plus I also read reports that Microsoft is sending "fixes" for the Meltdown bug to users of AMD CPU's when AMD CPU's are NOT susceptable to that particular bug/flaw.
Microsoft had a brain cramp and now is trying to weasel out of it.
Wouldn't be the first time.
Plus all this "knee-jerk" low-information response by some tech media outlets (and business ones too) are having an adverse effect on AMD stock prices.
And Microsoft stock is UP? Why?
It will be very interesting to see what happens down the road when this is settled out.
Methinks I smell a rat.
Intel, AMD, and microsaft need to be combined into one company and forced to work together to create a single product so none of them can sabotage their income.
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