Memory compatibility mb


Mar 30, 2017
Hey guys, im thinking about upgrading the memory on my sistem and i have some issues..

My mb is ASRock G41M-S3, i currently have a 4GB DDR3 1333 MHz stick of memory on it and i would like to add another stick of 4GB DDR3 but on 1600 Mhz.

Would that be compatible ?

If u wonder why i want to add a 1600 Mhz stick on a 1333mhz mb is that in the near future i will actualy upgrade the mb to a 1600mhz compatible one and i want to already have a stick of memory available when that happens so i can switch it between the motherboards.

Hello... I would recommend going with a match ( same thing ) with your current MB. B / DDR3 is just a "card factor" and what gets put on them can vary.

The intel 60, 70, 80 chipset series will use "High density" memory chips on the DDR3 card.

Hello... THX... it looks like there is plenty of exact types on-line They look like the older DDR3 16 chip DS sticks. Those numbers didn't bring any additional information from the KINGMAX site. B /

Are you going to purchase another KingMax stick?

Ty for answering, i couldn't find any kingmax memory but i was looking at a Samsung one, Nanya or Hynix.
So i should try to keep away from the one sided memory since it will probably not be compatible with my MB, right ?