Memory Failure Or Broken Motherboard?


Feb 7, 2015
Hi guys how are you, recently I bought a new pc parts and Im getting a QCode Error 55, I have an ASUS P8P67 Deluxe B3 Revision, the memories that I bought for this motherboard was a set of two Kingston Fury Red HX316C10FRK modules 2x 4gb 1600mhz, I just tested all that i could, flash the bios, re seat all the memories in different slots, runs only one module, and the error keeps showing, my processor is an I7 3770 (non k)..... recently I took a look at the Motherboard users manual, and I cant find my memories in the "Supported memories and manufacturers grid", my question is...... is my motherboard failing? or there's a big chance that my memories arent compatible with my motherboard? Im not a big fun of kingston after all, I like corsair and crucial a lot, but i dont know this time I wanted to test these red memories, and now it seems all was screwed!!!!! 🙁

Thanks for your help and your time of course 😀
Oh well that is when things get hard for testing. By chance do you still have contact with your old friend? If he ever used the system with different RAM, and it worked then I would still say the RAM is the issue and not the motherboard, but without knowing that it is hard to know.

For your error codes, the one it sticks on is the important one for diagnoises, and for your motherboard Code 55 means RAM is not installed. You should have a button that says "MemOK" you can push which will adjust the RAM timings and might fix it. The problem is that even though its a RAM error, it doesn't rule out that the motherboard could be faulty in some way or the CPU even because the CPU holds the memory controller.

Since your board has 4 RAM slots...
Mmmmh I dont know, the mobo is new, a friend was using it for a few weeks but he must to go to live out of my country.... ok Im doing a new tests now, Im using other RAM module Kingston HyperX Genesis KHX1600C9D3X2K2, and it doesnt works neither, im getting the same error QCode 55... when it starts allways quick shows QCodes : 19, 14....55 and DRAM_LET keeps shining on red 🙁 , it seems this other one isnt in the fully compatibility memories grid in the user manual, i checked the pins of the socket, i mean under the cpu and it looks fine.... so i dont know 🙁 why this things has too many problems 🙁
Oh well that is when things get hard for testing. By chance do you still have contact with your old friend? If he ever used the system with different RAM, and it worked then I would still say the RAM is the issue and not the motherboard, but without knowing that it is hard to know.

For your error codes, the one it sticks on is the important one for diagnoises, and for your motherboard Code 55 means RAM is not installed. You should have a button that says "MemOK" you can push which will adjust the RAM timings and might fix it. The problem is that even though its a RAM error, it doesn't rule out that the motherboard could be faulty in some way or the CPU even because the CPU holds the memory controller.

Since your board has 4 RAM slots, and you have tried one RAM stick in all 4 RAM slots, that reduces the chance that the physical RAM slots on the motherboard are faulty, because its not common that all RAM slots are broken. You've already updated to the latest BIOS too. That part of the board worked and so far so do most other features.

Its still a guess to know for sure which is broken, but based on the information above I would have to suspect the RAM of being faulty and not the other parts. Since it is also easiest to return, I would try to return it as soon as possible and get a different RAM kit.

If another system is available for testing then yes this is the best idea, especially because you can try the other RAM in your system but not sure if you have another system available.
Thanks you guys, the problem was solved, take a look, happened the following: When I get another pc from a friend for testing my memories (fury) works fine in the other mother board, even with other strange memories combined, ok, I took the i5 2500 from mi friend pc, and put into my p8p67 Deluxe, it showed a lot of numbers and letters in Qcode display and boom it worked, my pc started!!!!!! with the i5, so In my desperate tryings I went to ASUS site, picked up last bios ROM available, dowloaded into USB drive, and updated using the i5 working...... when I switched to my 3770, it shows some stranged lights and then it worked!!!!! I dont know actually what was the problem, I think maybe a corrupted BIOS? or just too old??? Thanks for all your help!!!! And for your time!! :)