Memory Leaks | Extreme Memory Usage


Oct 2, 2015
I recently bought this PC, 16 GB ram and so on, google chrome is delayed, so is Discord and many other applications. Typing is delayed as well.

I startup with CCleaner, Malwarebytes, Razer Cortex, Discord, Bluestacks, MSI Gaming App, Adobe Creative Cloud, Gyazo, Steam, Razer Synapse and NVIDIA GeForce Experience.

I checked Task Manager, 51% Memory usage. After adding up all the tasks, only adds to 3.5 gb of Memory being used. At the time of the adding I had about 6 tabs of Google Chrome open.

PC Specs:

i7 6700,
MSI 1070,
16GB Ram,

Edit: Checked my 'Users' tab, says I'm using 3.1gb Memory currently, still at 51% and typing is extremely delayed.

If you need any further information, please ask, thanks.
"I checked Task Manager, 51% Memory usage. After adding up all the tasks, only adds to 3.5 gb of Memory being used."
- They won't add up as windows uses memory for things like disk caching, drivers etc that is not counted.

What you need to look for is what apps are using all that ram. You can sort task manager by memory and the biggest culprits will be at the top.
More important is probably the tasks hogging your CPU. They will probably also be the memory hogs.

Creative Cloud is known to be a memory hog though. Just google "creative cloud memory leak" and you'll see people with 32GB, even 64GB with the same complaint as you.
This has been a known bug sine 2014, Adobe don't seem to care.

I'll try closing it and stopping it from opening it on startup, thanks.