Memory Management BSOD

second bugcheck looks like malware also, maybe something making changes to the pagefile

it could also just be a bug in the motherboard sata driver (check for a update to the chipset driver or any add on sata controler driver from the motherboard vendor. Note: these drivers often require a matchine update to the bios to be installed at the same time)

first one looked like a malware.

run cmd.exe or powershell as an admin then run
dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

then do a malwarebytes scan
turn of virtual memory to delete your c:\pagefile.sys then reboot and turn it back on to create another one.

I've already run malwarebytes scans which caught nothing. What makes you think malware? I wiped all the files on my computer so there's only 7-8 applications installed.