S SkyBlade9000 Reputable Jun 3, 2015 17 0 4,510 Sep 30, 2016 #1 So i have been getting a memory management blue screen probably since a month ago, and it happens at least 1- 3 times a day. I've run memory diagnostics and no issues was found, and now i'm told that it might be software but how do i check this?
So i have been getting a memory management blue screen probably since a month ago, and it happens at least 1- 3 times a day. I've run memory diagnostics and no issues was found, and now i'm told that it might be software but how do i check this?
Tradesman1 Legenda in Aeternum Jun 5, 2013 67,881 40 126,960 Oct 2, 2016 #2 What mobo, CPU and model #(s) of the DRAM? DO you have the latest BIOS? Upvote 0 Downvote