Memory not compatible with old laptop?

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Feb 14, 2017
So I wanted to upgrade my old laptop with some new ram memory, going from 1x2 GB to 1x4 GB. However, when I put in the new memory stick, the screen stays black when I try to start it. The fan turns on but it does not boot and I can´t get into BIOS.

This is my laptop:

And this is my new ram stick.
Corsair Value Select SO-DIMM DDR3L PC12800/1600MHz CL11 4GB

According to ASUS web page, the laptop can handle 4 GB of ram. So I could understand that perhaps the maximum is 2x2 GB.

However, I saw this youtube video:

The guy claims that he has put 2x4 GB in it, so i thought that it might work.

So my question is: Is the guy in the video lying, or is it something else that prevents my computer from booting?

PS: I have tried updating BIOS, but it did not help. Thank you in advance!
Not a new question.

When the laptop was manufactured, the max ram capability was probably dictated by the size of a single RAM stick available then, as time went on, they made larger sticks, so no the Youtuber is not lying. However, the motherboard has its own restrictions, it maybe able to accommodate larger ram size but it may has to be of a certain type. I have seen this and the laptop would only work with a "low density" ram stick and not work with a "high density" stick even though both sticks are the same capacity. Sorry I have no better explanation. So if that Youtube guy has the exact same laptop you have, you probably should email him and ask exactly what ram make/model he bought and use that, not ANY ram stick.
Oh, Im sorry, I didn´t see any other questions like this. Thank you for your answer jsmithepa. Pretty annoying then that the state this on their web page. "ValueSelect memory is tested to Corsair's tough standards and is stable, reliable, and compatible with virtually all major notebook and netbook PCs.".

Anyhow, thank you for your response mate.
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