Memory only showing half

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I've taken the whole kit out several times, tried another slot even. No effect. 🙁

I'm not sure what you mean by "each stick". It's a 2x2 kit, right, but it's like a single stick itself.
The motherboard has only 2 DIMM slots working which are B1 and B2. A1 and A2 don't work. So the B slots are working, but in both of them the memory is at 2GB. I'd rather say that's the stick issue. Because.. ehhh.. half of it is still working, that's why I have 2GB.
I think it's more of a mechnical issue.

I consider this as a possibility, but unlikely. The A slots haven't worked for a long time. Long before the half-capacity issue.
Looks like it's either the RAM stick itself or the motherboard.
From your link, that is 2 physical sticks, 2GB each. Totalling 4GB

Well, as I said, I'm a dummy and confused the things. I thought it meant something different (which is actually really awkward and I'm ashamed). I've always thought this stick is 4gb, what's weird is windows XP default system info used to show that I have 3GB RAM (no page file) available. One day my PC started lagging, I checked the system info, it showed 2GB and I thought the RAM was at fault. But now I took out the RAM and confirmed for myself it's 2GB. I still don't understand why would the PC show 3GB before and why it started lagging exactly around the same time. It's really weird, but in the end I've just decided to buy another RAM stick.

Sorry for the confusion, I terribly apologize. :)
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