Memory problem


Jun 26, 2001
sometimes when Windows loads, or when I run some application, it gives me this error message w/ some number x some other number and then says can't write to memory. What does this mean; is it hard drive, RAM, win2k, or teh program's fault? I haven't noticed any pattern to this; it's random.

U got a problem?! Then dial 1800-328-7448!
The error message is speaking about your RAM. It's possible that it's software related, but my gut is, if it's doing it randomly that you may have a bad DIMM. Do you have more than one? If so remove one for a while and see what it does. If the problem reoccurs, swap the DIMMs and test some more. Bad spots on a DIMM can cause lots of little random quirks.
Here is a sample error message: The instruction at "0x0dfd6252" referenced memory at "0x2a59e298". The memory could not be written. (And then Ok or Cancel)
Does this seem like memory. I have noticed that this happens almost every time I eport something in Adobe Premiere, as well as at other random times. I assume it happens most w/ Adobe b/c that uses up ALL my memory. Also, it's random in Adobe, since after I got this error message, I closed it, then opened it again and was able to export fine (wow- I can do real time rendering for movies!). Anyway, what is teh problem?

U got a problem?! Then dial 1800-328-7448!
<font color=green>"... sometimes when Windows loads, or when I run some application, it gives me this error message …
I have noticed that this happens almost every time I eport something in Adobe Premiere … I assume it happens most w/ Adobe … Anyway, what is teh problem?"</font color=green>
Not only with Adobe... There some more similar cases with other software, including Microsoft's products:

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

It looks like a software problem when reading MS's explanations. Even <font color=red>"Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products"</font color=red>:

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

and <font color=red>"Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products..."</font color=red>:

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

Call Adobe and tell them.