Memory Speed Help Needed


Oct 2, 2013
I just built a new rig and I'm having trouble getting my memory to run at the proper speeds. Nothing is overclocked, the only thing I have changed is memory XMP1 set in bios.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

My Rig

You are seeing the 666 in the SPD tab that's simply 4 different profiles that the sticks can use - ALL the DRAM is running at the settings shown in the memory tab 1199 10-12-12-31 313 (and the 1199 is true freq - take it times 2 for rough 2400 or the DDR (DOUBLE data rate)

There are times that you need to set it manually in the bios to be correct. Even name brand ram will have issues with the mobo it's being put into. Sometimes it's the mobo companies fault as well as the ram company. However your max speed on the ram according to the manual is 1600 and I couldn't find the memory table for overclockable ram which will show a list of what companies they've tested at higher speeds. Also Bios firmware F4 has a update to address Enhanced Memory Ability. This was dated April of this year.

Ok nvm I found it, well not the table but the specs show and oddly enough not in the manual that the ram could be OC'ed to 3300.
so what i do is download cpuz

open that program and go to the spd tab

on that spd tab you will see all of the ratings for your RAM

the one labeled xmp-xxxx will have all of the settings that you want to enter when in the bios if you need to do that manually
above is a pic of my rated speeds, although i run the 977MHz speed with the 10,10,10 timings
so when looking at cpuz and using the spd tab you can go through your ram one slot at a time on the top left. are all of your ratings the same.

are all of your ram the same manufacturer and model also. it is always best to buy ram in bundles.

if i cannot help you quickly i will find an expert on these forums to help. i know one guy on here that knows way to much about ram.


Yes, all ratings are the same.
All 4 of my sticks are the exact same.
After all the settings all timings are the same except for the 1T command rate.


You are seeing the 666 in the SPD tab that's simply 4 different profiles that the sticks can use - ALL the DRAM is running at the settings shown in the memory tab 1199 10-12-12-31 313 (and the 1199 is true freq - take it times 2 for rough 2400 or the DDR (DOUBLE data rate)