Memory usage doesn't add up, using too much of my 16GB RAM


Aug 13, 2014
I had an Alienware computer which had no problems at all, but when I recently moved the components to a new case along with a new motherboard, processor (Maximus VI GENE & i7-4790k) and a clean Windows 7 64 bit install, my memory usage was off the charts.

Normally I have around 10-20 tabs in Chrome open, mostly paused YouTube vids ready to be watched, but now when I do that I use around 70%. When I have closed all windows and only have things like Skype and Spotify open I use around 30% directly after a reboot, after which the usage grows exponentially and eventually max' at around 70%.

I used RAMMap too see what might be the problem, this was the outcome:
Nothing out of the ordinary apart from the high mapped file and private files, where i couldn't find a process responsible for.


I'll try reinstalling the motherboard drivers, if that seems to be the only viable solution.
An answer as soon as possible would be appreciated.
It's showing 16GB so you are good there, but Chrome is a DRAM hog, and when you are 'pausing' videos, that doesn't stop the feed of the data, it will feed till it has the whole video, so all that is just sitting and taking up memory,, along w/ the OS and all from other tabs, programs, etc....doesn't sound out of norm

I get that, but even without the videos on, the usage is still insanely high.

Two monitors, a 1280x1024 one (DVI-VGA adapter) and a 1920x1080 one (HDMI), both connected to my GPU.
Well in this situation the mapped memory is extremely high. The only times I have ever seen a situation like this on in server enviorments. However the memory is still free and will be allocated as needed. Do you have an appropriately sized swap file set up and is this causing actual performance loss or are you just uncomfortable with how it looks?

I have a system managed page file size of 8130 mb, seems a lot to me actually. I'm also using Samsung Magician, which sets page files for me, maybe it conflicts with eachother.
Sometimes I have to close everything I can to free up 10-20% just to be able to play a game, it annoys me and I know it has to be way less than it is now.

On a side note; I recently (couple of weeks after I wrote the initial post) lent one card of 8GB to a friend, but reinstalled Windows shortly thereafter. I am using 90% memory right now.
Have you tried removing the Samsung software. What it may be doing is limiting the function on the page file and keeping closed programs and data locked in the standby. Switching memory amounts on the fly shouldn't have much of an impact on windows. Of any at all.
use rammap.exe look at the file summary and file details tab
there can be memory mapped files in use that will be taking up memory.

I am looking on my system and it looks like my lots of info is being put in standby memory.
on the assumption I will need something later. I have some games that I have not played for a long time (month) that are being preloaded into standby memory. about 5.7 GB of data from my C drive is loaded in standby memory.
Parts are marked active but for some reason the sorting control is not working so I can not get the active list.

Back up your save files for the games and any personal documents to another drive and wipe any included in your current setup and install windows on the blank drive(s). Install the applications and drivers and check your memory usage at that point.
or it might be faster to run rammap.exe, select the empty file menu button and
select "empty standby list" option to clear the list of apps that windows is preloading into your memory for you.