Memory Usage for multiple games


Jul 18, 2015
Two of my games, GTA V and The Division both suffer from using too much memory than my system has physical. It chips into the pagefile, well, more than chip, relies on the pagefile. These two games for example run fine for a while, I am monitoring through the Task manager and all I can see if that my memory is filling up with modified memory, making my commitied memory somewhere around 11-16GB with my only 8GB installed. I have run the games in the lowest settings possible and also have reinstalled both but still run into the same issues. Could this be an OS problem, or is it just simply that I don't have enough memory. I have seen peoples game used up to around my point, but I'm not sure if the modified memory part is an issue where the OS just dumps all the modified memory onto the pagefile after the physical RAM fills up.

My PC specs:
8GB DDR4 HyperX Fury 2133MHz
GTX 1060 6GB SC
2x Standard 7200RPM HDD 1TB (Games installed one one with pagefile on the other)
Well I would consider any other software that happens to be running.

If you are running Windows 10 you might also check your memory compression settings.

More RAM can't hurt. The Division is one of the newer DX12 enabled titles, and they have been shown to commonly exceed 8GB of memory.

Additionally you can pick up a tiny SSD to use as your swap file if you really want one. Not sure if Ready Boost is still a thing with Windows, but you can also put your swap file on a fast USB thumbdrive.

More RAM and an SSD is not really an option for me at the moment due to prices increasing. Also I'm not sure how the compression works as in task manager, highlighting over the compression part says that it is not enabled, I have searched up how to enable it but still it does not get enabled