Question Memtest errors but no BSOD ?


Mar 25, 2016
Basically ive had a problem with my PC where my monitors shut down and all fans turn to 100%. Ive tried every single posible way to fix it, but nothing helped.

I decided to just to be safe to test RAM. And to my suprise i was met with thousands of errors on only 1 stick. I tested the same stick on all 4 slots and it failed on all consistently, while other ram stick passed.

Now how can i know if the issue is ram or cpu or mobo. I have 7700x and b650 mobo.

What should i do now. Do i just rma both sticks and see if that fixes my problem. Keep in mind i dont have any BSOD but this 1 stick keeps dropping errors.

Ive tried everything from this reddit post as a fix and nothing worked. Would faulty ram had this effect on this problem. I need help.

And yes i ran memtest with default ram settings no xmp , i took out cmos battery before testing
RMA your ram sticks
Hopefully this is the issue because my last resort to figure out black screen issue was one by one replacing each component and see whats causing the issue. Ram being problem would be perfect cause i dont want to replace my 4070 gpu or psu, which would be my next guess for an issue.
Hopefully this is the issues, cause my last resort to figure out black screen issue was 1 by 1 replacing each component and see whats causing the issue. Ram being problem would be perfect cause i dont want to replace my 4070 gpu or psu, which would be my next guess for an issue.
If one of them gives an error and the package was 2 sticks, you will do a RMA on both
these are?
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Why smaller. Plus RAM didnt really fix the issue i was having with PC i played with 1 stick that is good and pc still blackscreen with fans at 100%. Something else is the problem
If you do RMA, lower latency, faster.
Look your cable for black screen , hdmi or dp