Memtest86+ 1 error


Jan 24, 2014
Hi there,

Couple days ago I started to OC my CPU. Getting a stable (read as; largefft Prime95 for 14 hours) OC @ 3.6GHz... Then started to test my ram with LinX.. Got errors after 2-5 minutes..
(after that changed a lot of things, like I looked over LLC and stuff... everything got messed up..)
So I thought I start fresh, no OC and start testing my memory with Memtest86+.. (yeah i've made a mistake already, forgot to delete my last OC which run Prime95 for 4 hours stable..)

So long story short, I got 1 error ( Test #9) after about 1,5 hours..
Still no added error after 4 hours 30 min and got 2 passes...

Is 1 error a real problem? (I kind of know I'm going to do the tests again with stock CPU settings...)

I'm sorry if I forget anything or give stupid info.. Just tell me and I will correct it 🙂 !

Any help welcome :)! Thx in advance

i7-860 (currently @ 3.6GHz, Vcore: 1.206..ish Vtt: 1.18V, 180*20, memory multiplier @ 10 so gives me 1800MHz)
Scythe Mugen 2 Rev B cpu-cooler
total of 8Gb GeIL ultra 2133MHz 9-9-9-28
Gigabyte GA-P55a-UD7 motherboard
OCZ 90Gb SSD, I think vertex 2 (not sure, got it for like 4/5 years)
Corsair Graphite 600T case
XFX Radeon HD 5750 1Gb

Overclock the CPU per guides available at this site. Watch temps very carefully, and make voltage adjustments gradually in small increments.until you get an OC that you are comfortable with. The system should also like your settings (means no BSOD).

RAM overclocking does not yield great results and may cause more problems than solutions. Leave it close to manufacturer's settings. You have 2133 RAM at 9 9 9 28, which is an excellent speed even though you have underclocked it at 1800 MHz.
yeah from RAM p.o.v. i'm under-clocking, but from CPU p.o.v. i'm overclocking...
Running now memtest again but with stock cpu settings (133*21= 2.8, Vcore : 1.1675 and Vtt: 1.1V.. memory at 1330MHz...)
Already past test #9 (so not a full pass yet) and error is gone! after I get 2 passes or so, I going to try the test you recommend!
Thx a lot! I'll get back to you with results!

Overclocking the CPU and underclocking the RAM is fine! In fact, you will not see any detrimental effects as the result of underclocking the RAM. That is the exact situation that I have on my i7 920 desktop; CPU overclocked, RAM underclocked.
and thats a clear ass well! .. So now i'm going to test with LinX for the ram performance. or which program do you recommend ? (IBT, prime95:blend.. ?)
[maybe off topic, small fft's are for cpu only? Large for CPU and RAM, and blend is the more intensive of the large one?]
Ubrales, what do you recommend when I OC my system (cpu for the most part):
Leave my ram at 1333 (but maybe change latency there, make it tighter? like 8?)
or get my ram to 1800'ish and leave the latency's ?

Overclock the CPU per guides available at this site. Watch temps very carefully, and make voltage adjustments gradually in small increments.until you get an OC that you are comfortable with. The system should also like your settings (means no BSOD).

RAM overclocking does not yield great results and may cause more problems than solutions. Leave it close to manufacturer's settings. You have 2133 RAM at 9 9 9 28, which is an excellent speed even though you have underclocked it at 1800 MHz.
Thx!! Yeah I've read here and there some guides, still going to digg some more. will start OC'ing tomorrow or so.
Want to mark you answer as best solution but I don't see the button to do so!

Best solution: Latest answer of Ubrales!!

I don't see the BA selection button either! Don't worry about it. Let me know how you make out with the OC. The guides at this site are great! This is the one I used to OC my i7 920:

Per the guide, start out by setting the RAM multiplier to its LOWEST setting (I think 6), and then go from there. Do the OC gradually over several days if need be. Set voltages in small increments (0.05V increase at a time), and watch temps like a hawk!

BTW, my i7 920 is OCed to 3.82 GHz at 1.275V - running for almost 4 years. Just to check things (probably my curiosity) I raised the OC to 4.0 GHz and the system was stable. However, for reasons of system longevity I set it back to 3.82 GHz which is a 42% overclock!

He tanks allot (the tip of RAM multi to lowest is much appreciated !) !
will sure do! (I know those temps are like the most holey thing to watch 😛 )
I'm looking to go for 3.6GHz'ish, or 3.8GHz'ish.
The whole reason I want OC: I want to play BF4... I know my graphics card wont do the trick, but if I can get my CPU OC, the only thing (I hope) I'll have to upgrade is the GPU.

Keep you updated! Thanks again for all the advice!!