Memtest86 cuts off on right side of screen


Mar 21, 2014
I have had memtest86 v6 going for a while and it is on the right side of my screen. It cuts off on the 6th "#" after Pass: 91%. Is there anything else supposed to be to the right of it? I have 2x4 GB of 1866mhz ram and I think they may be failing as my computer shuts off under load.
It is not my GPU because it first started doing it on an MSI Radeon 6450. My PSU is a Corsair CS650M but it isn't my PSU because I just replaced it because the other one was doing this too. I ordered a 1TB hard drive that will be here Thursday and if that doesn't fix anything then it is my motherboard. I feel like if it was my CPU there would be different behavior, right?
What motherboard model is it?
Do you have the most up to date UEFI/BIOS firmware?
The UEFI firmware controls the placement of text on the screen. So any text being cut off is likely to be due an issue in the firmware.
I haven't found a solution. I just have ruled out my RAM. Still waiting on a hard drive to see if it may be my SSD causing it because it turns off when it gets accessed a lot such as downloading a game from Steam or playing DayZ which uses your storage a lot because it is such a big map.