[SOLVED] Meshify C Air Flow Questions


Apr 10, 2009
So I'm rebuilding the household gaming PC and for the first time really considering my air flow setup. I'm guilty in the past of just running whatever stock fans my case came with, maybe a budget CPU air cooler, call it a day. Definitely had some serious negative pressure in my last setup, dust everywhere including exterior cracks.

So I've done a little research on air flow, goal is slightly positive pressure, as many guides and videos recommend.

Building in a Meshify C case, I purchased 2 extra 140mm Fractal Venturi fans (118cfm) for intakes on the front bottom. Moved the 2 stock 120mm Fractal GP-12 fans (52cfm) to the back top corner for exhaust (one "roof" and one back wall). Also I have a Phanteks CPU cooler PH-TC14PE in the mix, it's 2 fans (23-69cfm each) are pointed to the back wall of the case. Let's say ballpark ~100cfm in the mix from the CPU cooler.

See the Airflow layout image I made if you need clarification:

Now my questions:

1) What is an ideal Intake/Exhaust ratio? (Excluding my cooler I'd be currently ~240CFM-In/104CFM-Out. Unless the CPU cooler ups my exhaust this seems like high positive pressure, no?)

2) Does the exhaust on the "roof" hinder, more than it helps, with my front to back air flow pattern?

3) Would 1 single higher CFM fan at the back in line with my CPU cooler be more effective exhaust system? (Case won't fit a 140mm at this position but could place a 140 on the "roof")

I realize I may be over thinking this air flow thing, but I build so rarely this will likely be the goto PC for the next 8-10yrs. Like to get it right!!! Thanks in advance for any advice.
I have the same case. Just go with 1 rear and 1 top exhaust. And 2x 140mm intakes would be just fine. I wouldn’t put the fans to the bottom like you have I would keep that bottom label installed unless you need some HDD cooling. I don’t use HDD in mine only SSD so I eliminate that area all together
I have the same case. Just go with 1 rear and 1 top exhaust. And 2x 140mm intakes would be just fine. I wouldn’t put the fans to the bottom like you have I would keep that bottom label installed unless you need some HDD cooling. I don’t use HDD in mine only SSD so I eliminate that area all together