messed up graphics card


Sep 10, 2013
Ok so my pc was playing games like call of duty on ultra high settings 1080 no problem but i got a corrupt partition 1 of 3 and it was sayin disk boot failure so i got a guy to reboot it and i installed the nvidia drivers and everything the amd catalyst but i cant play any games not even on 720x 640 on low it just lags i updated nvidia drivers to new old and some in between still the same tried different catalysts still now look latest direct x i used to be able to change the speed of the gpu in the amd vision engine control centre catalyst manager i think its the same well the minimum was 675mhz and the max was like 1333mhz but now i got somtething called like msi and it only goes to 210min and 455max i dont know why it is so bad now and i used to be able to use a hdmi cable but now i cant so any ideas? Thanks in advance
oh and i run windows 7 ultimate 64 bit amd fx4100 quad core ati radeon 6570 nvidia n force 630a/gforce 7025 2x4gb patriot ddr3
450gb western digital

Ok so i have 2 discs i should just install the ati disc and leave the nvidia alone? Would ati be integrated graphics on the motherboard? And i updated nvidia drivers before my comp broke do you think it could have been set up for multi cards in the bios?

Ah yeah i just looked at the picture in the manual and the nvidia is just a small chip but the radeon is the proper graphics card im goin to install it today after i uninstall nvidia drivers and boot from ati cd rom thats what i do isnt it?

I just uninstalled the nvidia display adapter there and shutdown my comp and went to boot for the ati disc but when my pc went on it just installed the nvidia device can i stop it from doin that ?

Yeah i figured that when i skipped i use a 32 inch led tv for the monitor and its plugged in with a vga cable i think the old chunky one with the screws i usually use a hdmi but it wont display for me so any idea what i do?

Wow i have a lot to learn about gaming pcs its in the motherboard now so now that i have installed ati if i plug it into the graphics card it should work? And can i just leave the nvidia alone?
Turns out my graphics card was out a bit at the back so took it out and put it back in it works fine now can play mass effect 2 in 1080p ultra settings anyway thanks a lot! :)