Messed up vbios flash on gpu. Don't have stock bios.

Oct 23, 2018
Is there anyway to figure out what the memory module manufacturer is after doing a bad flash? The card is bricked now it still lights up and fans spin but no display. It was working before, but I wanted to flash a stock bios since I bought the card off ebay and it was previously used for mining. The card is an RX 570 4g msi gaming X

Edit: Also if possible could someone link me a few stock bios for the card. Tech power only has armour editions for some reason?
So turns out all I had to do was order an APU and scavange MSI fourms until I found a micron bios. and boom works like a charm and a fat upgrade from my 270x from power colour. Also FYI if anyone ever does this don't freak out just have something that can display externally while having the bricked card plugged in. Then use ATIwinflash to flash the bios on the card and test if it outputs video and easy.