Question Metal + paint flakes from case screws on the Be Quiet! Silent Base 802 are worrying me ?


Apr 20, 2020
For reference, I'm very careful with the case screws on my PC and I also like to keep it regularly cleaned with compressed air.
My PSU is a Corsair RM750x, fan oriented downwards.

I've noticed on a couple of builds so far the sometimes case screw holes can have little bits of paint flake off them with a metallic backing stuck to them, especially when using or removing from said screw hole in a newly manufactured case. I always do my best to get rid of these, but I can never be 100% sure I got them all.

It's no different with my Silent Base 802, except maybe I'm noticing it more (or it had more modular bits and pieces to play with than previous chassis) but I've noticed a couple of these paint chips w/ metallic "bits" stuck to them have settled in the recesses under the screw holes. Some of these recesses are near impossible to reach.

Because of my case's design, any dust or paint particles that get blasted off my CPU cooler, GPU, case etc will tend to fall down into the "basement" area of the chassis. I'm just terrified one of them might get sucked into my PSU and fry my entire system from shorting something.

I'm hesitant to remove the PSU to do some kind of "deep clean" of that area because:

1. That might create more "screw dust", right next to the PSU itself.
2. Some of these tiny little flecks are in places I can't reach except with a magnet on a stick (which I don't have), if I can reach them at all.
3. I have a feeling that these little specks might be unavoidable when building or modifying a PC, so I don't know if I'm being paranoid and should just not bother. I'm not rough with any of my components and I'm careful to make sure the threads line up.

Thoughts? Has anyone else noticed these wee shavings? What'd you do about them, or did you just let them be?

I managed to get one with my magnetic screwdriver that was about 1.5mm long at most. All the others are much smaller.
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It might be better to use a vacuum with a non-metallic plastic nozzle since compressed air just moves the stuff around.
I've removed the PSU and given that area a good vacuuming but I can't reach the bits in the crevices down the side. Thankfully they can't really go anywhere either. I'm just hoping this is enough.