Metro: Last Light Running Like Crap


Oct 17, 2013
I recently bought Metro: Last Light on the Steam Summer Sale and ran it for the first time today. I noticed that during the cut-scenes and most of the gameplay was suffering from the ever-so popular lag. I have an FX-6300 as well as a GTX 760 so my PC isn't too bad. I also have 8GB RAM and a 7200RPM HDD. I've heard you can run it in DX9 which makes it run faster, but I don't know how to do that. If anyone could help me try to make it run better that would be great. Thanks in advance!
What settings are you playing the game at? With your hardware, you should be able to play the game without running it in DX9 mode given that you aren't playing on very high settings. Try lowering them and playing.

I've been playing as low as the settings go. Maybe it's just the part that I'm in?
That doesn't sound right to me. You can play the game on Ultra and average around 50 FPS. At the lowest settings the frame rate shouldn't even drop below 60 FPS. What other games do you play and on what settings?

Well, I play ArmA 2 on a 1360x768 monitor w/pixels upscaled to 1920x1080, everything aside from HDR on MAX. A lot of Source games on MAX (obviously). Far Cry 3 on ULTRA. Saints Row IV on Ultra, The Forest on ULTRA, Battlefield 3 and 4, just cause 2, skyrim (modded), Call of Duty: black ops 2 and ghosts (they were christmas presents), War Thunder, Watch Dogs, Red Orchestra 2, Verdun Ton Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms all on ULTRA. OH! And I almost forgot the most important, Minecraft on MAX. 😀

Anyways, I just can't seem to play Metro Last Light. Like I said before, it could just be the part that I'm at. I'll try to bear with it for a little bit until I can find an answer.

EDIT: Now I can't use my mouse in-game... strange

EDIT #2: Ok, so I installed the latest beta driver and reset my computer and as far as I could've seen, the lowest frame rate that I was getting was about 35 (avg. of about 45-55). And my mouse works now too.