Mic or Headset


Aug 6, 2013
I am looking to purchase either a good microphone or a gaming headset. I have a very good set of headphones right now and I was thinking of just getting a Blue snowball mic. Now I will be using this for recording audio and talking to my friends on skype and in games. Thanks in advance!!! :)
Is your recording area loud (computer, other people, road, etc.)? Because a standalone mic will pick up a lot more than a headset would. I would get the blue snowball if you can keep it away from the computer and other loud things and try and keep it off your desk (the vibration from the fans in your computer will pick up on the recording). Also if you are going to be recording instruments besides a guitar then I would get a mic that is made for recording instruments. Also something to keep in mind is that if you have sound proof headphones you won't be able to hear yourself talk which can make it feel weird when you talk.

Its just in my room its pretty quiet with an excetion to my computer and occasionally my fan is on. I have noise canceling headphones. I wont use it for instruments just recording voiceovers really and to talk to my friends when I am playing games.