mic radio signal

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Jun 10, 2015
this is the previous thread i had. Im trying a new category as im not sure where to put this.
I recently bought a HyperX Cloud II headset. It worked fine for a week and then 1 day i go into discord and my friends say they hear a faint radio signal. It picks up a sport station and plays it softly the entire time with voice activation enabled. even with push to talk they can still hear it. I can't hear it only they can. People in games of CSGO can hear it too. It is faint but present. I tried unplugging everything but the headset, using different outlets for my pc, nothing works. Any help is appreciated 😀
Confirm that the radio station is being picked up by your headset (the cord can act like an antenna). Get some aluminum foil and wrap it around the entire length of the headset cord. This should create a Faraday cage which blocks all EM signals from reaching the cord. If the radio station disappears, then yes your cord is the culprit. If it remains, then the problem lies elsewhere. (FM radio broadcast wavelengths are around 3 meters, so it's unlikely that smaller wires like the one from your mic boom to the cord is the problem. But if you like, you can try wrapping that in foil as well.)

If the cord is the culprit, you can either replace the headset, play with it wrapped in foil, or try adding RF chokes...
Confirm that the radio station is being picked up by your headset (the cord can act like an antenna). Get some aluminum foil and wrap it around the entire length of the headset cord. This should create a Faraday cage which blocks all EM signals from reaching the cord. If the radio station disappears, then yes your cord is the culprit. If it remains, then the problem lies elsewhere. (FM radio broadcast wavelengths are around 3 meters, so it's unlikely that smaller wires like the one from your mic boom to the cord is the problem. But if you like, you can try wrapping that in foil as well.)

If the cord is the culprit, you can either replace the headset, play with it wrapped in foil, or try adding RF chokes.


They're just magnets which snap onto the cord, one at either end. (I've heard arguments that just one is sufficient.) In layman's terms, the radio station's broadcast is sloshing electrons back and forth along your cord (which is how an antenna receives a signal). The computer's audio hardware is converting this into sound, resulting in you hearing the radio station. The chokes resist the sloshing, increasing the amount of energy needed to slosh electrons past the magnets. The audio signal from your mic or computer has enough energy to overpower the magnets. The radio signal (hopefully!) does not.

Thank you so much, this was very helpful.
I will try when I wake up and see what happens. I can easily return this to microcenter if that is easier than the other thing.
I have the solution, I also have just recently purchase a hyper x cloud 2 and it also had the same radio waves problem. Just yourself ground (ex.computer case) and the waves will be redirected. I kind of strange that there not more reviews with this problem. Or it might just be we got a bad deflect out of a million.
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