Michael Dell Reassures Customers in Open Letter on Buyout

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Hopefully this can help turn Dell around and get them thinking long term instead of having to constantly worry about how the shareholders will react every quarter.
As long as dell keeps making awesome servers, smart switches and continues to give awesome customer support i dont care who owns what. But dang, how in the world can anyone ask for billions of dollars in loans from banks?! I cant even fathom how one pays that off especially since hes giving most of his private capital off..
again, Microsoft is contributing two BILLION. With a B. Not two million. Even even we correct you guys its still repeated wrong over and over in every other cut and paste "article", and never corrected....
[citation][nom]matthelm[/nom]Dell hasn't been a "Good" PC maker since the mid 90s![/citation]
I would give them the late 90's as well. Those old white Pentium 3 Dells were rock solid and could last forever. It was when the Pentium 4 hit their shelves that they started having major issues.
Geez, I guess M Dell is really tired of listening to whiny investors...lol. As for hardware I never had much problem with Dell desktops, its the laptops you gotta worry about. lol.
All that money in their hands and not in the company and they still can't figure out why they aren't making any money. Dang that's lotta money to have just to be able to dump into a company.
The question is if Michael Dell is still a man of time or a man behind the time? I'd wager the former as successful businessmen like Michael have a habit of being just that, successful.
In the world of PR, "exciting" has become the alternative for something worrisome or crappy. Ooorr, maybe PR folks live in different world where "exciting" is something entirely different.
In the world of PR, "exciting" has become the alternative for something worrisome or crappy. Ooorr, maybe PR folks live in different world where "exciting" is something entirely different.
[citation][nom]unksol[/nom]again, Microsoft is contributing two BILLION. With a B. Not two million. Even even we correct you guys its still repeated wrong over and over in every other cut and paste "article", and never corrected....[/citation]

Hey now. Give Dr. Evil a break. He forgot what year he was in again.
While I know the stock market drives the world economy, I also think it can be disastrous. With the stock market, profit isn't good enough, it must always be increasing profit. One can not simply make 1 billion a year, it must be 1.1, then 1.2, then 1.3 etc. As a result, companies must cut corners and continually make their products cheaper and cheaper and design them to last shorter and shorter times to try to increase those profits and satisfy shareholders.

Now we have a throw-away society with massive amounts of pollution, and waste with crappy crappy products that are designed to last only a few years at most.

The saying "They don't make them like they used to" is widely used for good reason and the stock market is the reason for that phrase holding so much truth.

Taking DELL private could be a good thing.
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