Michael Savage

Were you going to credit anyone for that post?

I ask because I read it from another website.

Also ... Marv ... can you cut back on opening a new thread every day?

I got stuck into Oldman for this a few months ago and your getting just as bad ... albeit a lefty.

Oldman has been exceptionally good with recent threads being very "timely and interesting".


I did listen to his show about 10 years ago, and every now and than if I catch it in the car, I listen.

He is a bullet. Sometimes he has news that he brakes on the air, mostly he is yelling at dumb callers.

I almost thought it was a set up.

Have not heard it for about a year. Its entertaining to hear it, once in the while.

His favorite line is: "Liberalism, is a mental disorder."

He's funny, but too much of him is like smoking : )

Are u listening Marv?

Are u "Savage nation"

What is the big deal if I do this? It is learning other peoples opinions and what their values on in life.
I wish i was 48 again .
Gimme the 50's and 60's once again where respect was essential in everyday life and people were more humane than now.