Me being a idiot i went to install a argb hub and plugged the wrong power interface into the hub. So it burnt out just the hub at first. After unplugging the pc ran fine for 1 day then randomly shut down. Now I go to start it up and everything lights up and fans kick on but nothing on the screen. After 3 tries finally something comes up it says the pc could not get through post process starting in safe mode or press f1 to enter setup but then freezes at that screen every time. Im thinking motherboard is no good?
Went to micro center they want $950 to replace motherboard with exact same one. They are a rip off!!! They said they charge $500 per hour. Try to find that price on their site!) It says $79.99 for motherboard replacement i know its more work when its liquid cooled but $500 per hour when regular motherboard is only $79.99. We desperately need a skilled gaming rig builder in Rhode Island and Massachusetts area. I called every listing and can't find a single person capable.
Went to micro center they want $950 to replace motherboard with exact same one. They are a rip off!!! They said they charge $500 per hour. Try to find that price on their site!) It says $79.99 for motherboard replacement i know its more work when its liquid cooled but $500 per hour when regular motherboard is only $79.99. We desperately need a skilled gaming rig builder in Rhode Island and Massachusetts area. I called every listing and can't find a single person capable.