Micro freezes at all Games

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Oct 29, 2015
After many month of bad performance, low framerates and the most annoying thing, micro freezes i decided to get a new Motherboard. I thought this could be the Problem, because the Northbridge went to 100°C while under load, also there was a SATA port broken off.

Well, I went from AMD FX-8350 and a really bad and cheap MSI Motherboard to an i7 6700k with a VIII Hero Mobo and 16GB of RAM, better overall performance, higher but still lagish framerates while gaming and still these damn micro freezes. Then I thought, it may be my Graphics Card (I've got artifacts sometimes) causing the freezes. Then I ordered a new one and went from a AMD 7970 to a R9 Fury, finally i have great overall performance and good framerates but still these DAMN micro freezes. They occur at all games I'm playing, CS:GO, Blade & Soul, Dragons Dogma and whatever.


It looks kinda like this (not my video) but not that often.

Now Im thinking about getting a new HDD or a new PSU, just to FINALLY fix this problem.

I wiped out all my GPU drivers using DDU.
Ofcourse I tried reinstalling Windows (10) several times and formatted my SSD.

Why my PSU? because its only 550W (or my only 500W, have to check this) and i think it may can't give enough power, even now, after upgrading to harware which consumes less then the old stuff.

Why my HDD? Its some cheap 1TB drive, i picked once up just to get some space, but i sometimes hear it making strange noises.

Can I somehow test, if HDD/PSU are the problem?
I've read a lot about "PSU can't make bad performance, if it cant give enough power, the pc freezes/crashes/shutdown" But also about "PSU can be a reason for bad 3D performance...."

I don't know what to do. I don't have any Money left, because I just bought the new GPU 2 weeks ago, but i'm willing to spend Money if i can be sure it will fix my Problem.
So, i bought a new PSU 750W And 80+ Gold. After some testing nothing changed, still Micro freezes. So the reason was not my PSU, not my GPU, not my CPU, not my RAM and no, not my Motherboard. What was left over? Yes ofcourse, my Harddrive. I moved a few Games to my really tiny 64 GB Windows SSD and then the Micro Freezes were gone...

Well now I will wait until the next Month comes and I will get a 1 TB SSD
some games still not yet full optimized with amd driver...
but a new driver crimson 16.1 just release...try this driver instead

and of course a good well knowed brand of psu is recommended like seasonic/xfx/antec/evga b2-g2-gs ....800W and up
will be required


Well i have a beQuiet, so a well knowed brand aint a problem, are you sure i really need 800W? every PSU calculator in the web says, i will only need up too 500-550W on load.

yes you can go under a bit ...somewhere around 650W and up , but its always depend on the price/performance...

sometime you can have a 750W for the same price of 620W psu with a good quality psu

and i always suggest a higher wattages psu for futur proof upgrade

and bequiet are not a quality product in psu market


Hm okay, i understand your point on that but could it be the reason for the micro freezes?
I don't want to spend again 100€ for a new PSU if it wont fix my problem. I bought so much of new hardware to fix this, and even went so far to get this "High end" hardware.. I just want to be sure, the next time I'm gonna buy something, it will really eliminate these freezes. Maybe its only a Software/Driver problem but I cant figure out what it could be.
``I don't want to spend again 100€ for a new PSU if it wont fix my problem``

i understand your concern about spending more money...
the thing i can tell you is the fact of 80% of pc s problems were fix by replacing a bad psu to a well knowed quality brand psu , at least on this forum...

the psu is the most important hardware in a pc


Well alright, as soon as I have enough money for this I will try, I wanted a full modular one anyways for cable management. I will let this thread open, first of all to let you know if it fixed my problem and also because may others have some solutions that could help me with My problem

Can you recommend a good 650-750W Psu, full modular for around 100€/$ ?

I like Corsair because of their 0db Technology, the fans don't spin unless the Psu is about 40% on load but Im not sure if Corsair is a quality brand for Psu s

I tried the 16.1 Crimson Hotfix, i still have micro freezes and also it gave me blackscreens for couple of seconds sometimes, i will switch back to 15 for the first.
``I tried the 16.1 Crimson Hotfix, i still have micro freezes and also it gave me blackscreens for couple of seconds sometimes, i will switch back to 15 for the first.``

did you remove cleanly and completly the old driver??

you can use DDU for that

you should keep the latest driver , is a well knowed driver version to fix a lot of issues
your problem is someting else

In general I use DDU too, but I think I forgot it this time...
Im not sure, so I will try as soon as im back home.

But i have to admit, that there are many Users that experience problems with the 16.1 Hotfix and rolling back to the latest 15.xx driver
So, i bought a new PSU 750W And 80+ Gold. After some testing nothing changed, still Micro freezes. So the reason was not my PSU, not my GPU, not my CPU, not my RAM and no, not my Motherboard. What was left over? Yes ofcourse, my Harddrive. I moved a few Games to my really tiny 64 GB Windows SSD and then the Micro Freezes were gone...

Well now I will wait until the next Month comes and I will get a 1 TB SSD
just choose the best answer post and put solved

maybe this one where i said your problem is something else??

````I tried the 16.1 Crimson Hotfix, i still have micro freezes and also it gave me blackscreens for couple of seconds sometimes, i will switch back to 15 for the first.``

did you remove cleanly and completly the old driver??

you can use DDU for that

you should keep the latest driver , is a well knowed driver version to fix a lot of issues
your problem is someting else``

its up to you
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