Micro SD Card Won't Read - Doesn't show up in Disk Management


Jun 2, 2013
Hey there folks

Approximately a month ago, my Samsung Galaxy S5 suddenly wouldn't read the Kingston 32GB micro SD card and wouldn't even acknowledge that it was inserted. I have now tried to use a Micro SD to SD adapter and insert the card in the card reader of my laptop - with the same result.
The computer doesn't acknowledge the presence of an SD card, it can be found nowhere in the file explorer, and it doesn't show up in Disk Management either.

All solutions to saving the data (mostly pictures) on the Micro SD I have found online, all rely on at least being able to find the card in Disk Management, so I am really lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The card is probably dead, especially if it's generic no brand version. I'm not here to offer advice on how to retrieve it.. however, what I'll do is tell you what you could do in the future. On both my phone and computer I have Dropbox installed and enabled Drobox to auto-upload all my phone's Videos & Pictures. So every time I take photos with my phone they automatically upload and then sync with my desktop without me having to do anything (over my wifi). I also have a Favorites Link from Windows Explorer that I click to open up my Camera Uploads folder so I could view, edit, and relocate my photo and videos to other locations.

You could have the same setup.. then you'll never have to worry about losing photos again from SD card failure.
The card is a Kingston Micro SD HC 32GB card, so I assume it is not a no-brand card. I'm thankful for the suggestions on what to do in the future, but I'd like to keep the thread open for just a while longer - see if anyone else has a wild idea that may work.
Kingstons cards are usually good, but even if they have a 99% success rate, someone has to be that 1% and sometimes it's you.

In addition, Kingston cards are the most counterfeited cards in the world and unless you buy from a big box store or someone good, it's probably a fake. If you got it from a shoddy little phone kiosk in the mall, odd's are it's a fake.