Micro Stutter across nigh-on all games


Apr 11, 2017
The title really says it all.

I get micro stutter in almost every game I have. When I say "almost" I mean that Left 4 dead is the only game which runs without error, but everything else has it ranging from GTA 5 to Fallout:NV to BF1.

Now this is no way game breaking BUT it is still very annoying, off putting and quite humiliating that a PC of my stature has trouble maintaining a solid frame rate on them.

The stutter is usually random, yet constant, but in some games, like Dark Souls 3 and Bioshock Infinite, it usually starts to occur after playing for a while. But again, in most others it just appears out of nowhere.

On some games CPU usage peaks at 100, for example GTA, but this doesn't seem to bring on the stutter instantly, however when I tab out of the game the Hard Disk usage usually reaches 100% when the stutter occurs. Then again on some instances when I tab out it's hovering around the mid 60's as it begins to micro stutter. I checked the health of my HDD with HDD sentinel and it came back as 100% so I don't think my HDD is going bad.

My PC - https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/W4ZZM8

Also I should mention I have been dealing with this for 6 months and have tried many different fixes, and while some have helped they haven't gotten rid of the micro stutter.

The main fixes I have tried are:
Performing a clean install of my drivers(I do this as they're released anyway)
Installing UWTT and disabling all the privacy settings
Disabling Superfetch and so on
Enabling and disabling V-Sync (When I cap my games at 30fps they run without stutter, but obviously I don't want to play at 30)
Lowering settings
Changing general settings in NVIDIA Control Panel
Performing a clean install of windows
And I have checked and monitored my GPU, CPU and RAM usage and temperatures in games and they all seem relatively normal

And that's all I can think of at the moment, ask if more info is needed.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
With the exception of buying more ram, not much other than lowering the settings. I tend to find that 8gb ram is starting to become the bare minimum now. My friend and I played the Division on pc, and i had 32gb to his 8gb. On his machine it played so poorly even at medium settings due to it eating up all the ram. He ordered another 8gb and his game performance increased dramatically.

I see, is there anything that I could do about this? Or is it just a case of lower the settings or add more RAM?
I also, obviously, don't have any background apps running whilst playing.
With the exception of buying more ram, not much other than lowering the settings. I tend to find that 8gb ram is starting to become the bare minimum now. My friend and I played the Division on pc, and i had 32gb to his 8gb. On his machine it played so poorly even at medium settings due to it eating up all the ram. He ordered another 8gb and his game performance increased dramatically.

Hmm I see, I suppose I should start looking at buying more RAM then.
I don't see how it could be anything software related as the worst games for stuttering are GTA and BF1, two RAM heavy games. I actually have solved my stuttering issue on most of the other games I have with game DVR being the culprit.

Anyway thank you for your help, I'll pick it as best solution whenever I decided to upgrade my RAM and see if that solves the issue.
