really informative article. this has been my experience with micro-stuttering (if what i'm about to describe is the same thing):
Hardware: Single Geforce 9600GT + CRT monitor @ 1024x768.
Well, first thing that comes to mind is Halo 1. Obviously, it runs smooth as ...well just about anything that's very smooth 😛. Point is, while playing sidewinder (empty game, lan hosting) and firing from a ghost, i observed some stuttering while approaching the part where the shade sits (i'm assuming everyone's played halo or seen RvB). I checked the fps graph built into Halo. Turns out that the fps jumps to 120+ from 85 (vsync: on) when i fire. That shouldn't happen (since i have vsync on) but it just does.
Second example is america's army 2. Was playing offline on Border (was testing anti-aliasing and other things). As most of you probably know, AA2 is very CPU intensive and runs mostly on a single thread. I had set the "Maximum pre-rendered frames" option to 5 (default 3) in the nvidia control panel. At 85 fps (vsync), the game was stuttering, couldn't see the fps fall below 80 though, but then again i didn't log it or anything, change in the fps may have been too fast to notice. changed the pre-rendered frames back to 3 and it was fine.
Summary: I wonder if the game code also introduces stuttering? Can the CPU or RAM be any sort of bottleneck?
p.s. Like someone else asked, if a dual card config is producing a min fps of say 100 with micro-stuttering, and if it's capped at 85 or 60 fps (through vsync), will the stuttering remain?