Question Micro stuttering with NO Vsync in games (Mostly Shooters) - Win 10 - Good PC

Aug 22, 2019
Hi guys, i've been having this problem for a while now and i decided to create this post because i don't know what else to try. I'm sorry for my english, i'm not a native english speaker but i'll try my best. My PC is pretty new and since i had it i've always had microstutters on CS:GO, PUBG and Fortnite mostly. I've noticed that on CSGO if i enable Vsync it feels smoother but, of course, you can feel the input lag. However i have a 144hz monitor so i'm not planning on having vsync on, it's just worthless BUT i can't since i have this microstutters that i can't surpass having it off. IT'S NOT ONLY ONLINE, I HAD THIS STUTTERS AS WELL ON THE WITCHER 3 AND, IF I PLAY AGAINST BOTS ON CS IT WILL HAPPEN AS WELL.

The stutters are like this: You are moving around a little bit and then it freezes for about... 0.1 secs and then turns back to normal again. I'll post a video later so you can understand a little bit better.

This is my rig:

Motherboard MSI Z370-A-PRO
i7 - 8700k Stock clocks
PSU Thermaltake TP Grand rgb 850w 80 gold plus
BenQ 144hz monitor
16GB RAM Ballistix Crucial DDR4 3000mhz

I checked the temperatures and they seem pretty normal to me, the CPU never goes above 55° while gaming and the GPU never goes above 80° even at full power. I tried a lot of things as well:

-I did a fresh install of Windows 10 many times
-I disabled the Win 10 Game bar
-I rolled back to older drivers and didn't work either
-I run Malwarebytes and other antivirus services
-I tried capping the FPS in game but the stutter was still there
-I tried Windows 10 version 1607. I've heard many people saying that this version was causing less trouble compared to the others. It was the same for me honestly.
-I deleted the drivers using DDU in safe mode and reinstalled again.
-I update ALL drivers using Driver Booster 5 PRO.
-I updated Realtek Drivers.
-I updated the BIOS to the latest version.

Seriously guys i don't know what else i can do, i tried everything my mind and my google searching could. If you could lend me your knowledge i will be very thankful.

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