MICRO STUTTERINGS IN GAMES - help to analyze msi afterburner


Oct 26, 2015

I've been having this anoying stutterings a while now. It's most noticeable in CSGO, its like the game freezes for just 0.0001 secounds, similar too when you loading a new part of the map in other games like PUBG. In csgo it can really destroy the round when it happens in the middle of a spray or an aim duel.

I have tried almost solution on the internet like different launch options in game, nvidia inspector, all different 3D settings, hyper-threadining disable/enable, overclocking CPU, updated BIOS with the newest and the secound newest update, tried a new PSU, checking all temps and they look fine, ive reinstalled windows many times with all new drivers etc.

Now I found some wierd things when I look at the msi afterburner (posted a picture of it)
Not sure that it has something to do with it


I would appreciate help SO much, been thinking to buy a new computer just because of this stutter issues even though my FPS is really good.

Nvidia 980 GTX
Intel i7 4790K
DD3 CL9 1600Mhz

I use vsync OFF in CSGO because of the input lag.

Here is pictures of all the other graphs:

This graphs comes from csgo deathmatch, I wasnt notice that much stutterings though, maybe it would be better to get graphs from when I feel it the most?

For some wierd reason everytime I enable to monitor FPS or/and Frametime I get error messages from RivaTuner, Ive tried update to latest version but still the same error message.

I fixed the FPS problem here is a picture.

Looks like the frametime spikes??

I have 16GB ram and only 1 GPU.
Increase maximum pre-rendered frames in Nvidia Control Panel settings.
It will smooth out framerate.
Max fps in your screenshot is 2653 with dips to 0.

Also change Vsync to fast. That will eliminate screen tearing.
And disable integrated GPU in BIOS, if you're not using it.

I have too use Vsync off, the input lag and the feeling when aiming is not playable for me with it on fast.
I'm going too try disable the integrated GPU and see how it goes.

I think I can see a connection between when the frametime spikes and the microstuttering in csgo. I tabbed out just after a big stutter and I could see that the fram time was spiking around 250ms. And at the same time CPU usage dives when the frametimes go up. And the core clock and memory clock goes down to idle value and not boost.