Micro stutters and sound stretching in CSGO


Jun 9, 2017
Hello I have been playing csgo for some time now and I have had minor problems that I can fix relatively easily. I made an alt account to play on and to see what rank I can get it to and I started to get these frame drops and distorted sound. This only starts happening only after I have played the game for about 20 minutes straight. This is awful because it starts happening every 5 or so seconds which makes the game completely unplayable and it starts to get aggravating and I have looked for multiple fixes to this but no luck I have even factory reset my computer but no luck it still just keeps on happening.

My PC specs: GTX 960 I7 processor 8GBS RAM

Also im playing on a laptop if that will affect anything. Here is a link to a YouTube video of them happening in game.

Shut that computer off immediately and check your heatsinks, thermal paste, and fans. There's no way your CPU should be anywhere close to that hot, and your GPU is at its max temp threshold, guaranteed. Even the minimum temps are way high; my FX-8370 (well-known for running hot) idles at 30-35, not 50-55.
Shut that computer off immediately and check your heatsinks, thermal paste, and fans. There's no way your CPU should be anywhere close to that hot, and your GPU is at its max temp threshold, guaranteed. Even the minimum temps are way high; my FX-8370 (well-known for running hot) idles at 30-35, not 50-55.